Germination 24 Years later, a Mother Daughter Story

We recently received a message from Elena in Oakland, CA- @thumbelena_greenthumb. She said:
“Hi there, I just wanted to reach out because I am amazed by your seeds germination ratio. My mother Judith passed away 24 years ago and had collected seeds. I found many packs she had over the years and just wanted to send this to you. Here is a pack dated 1995 and all of the collards I sowed germinated from her pack! These packs have helped our family keep a very special part of her going and that’s her garden.”
From our CEO Jeff Bentley: “To have a seed germinate and grow after 25 years is truly a miracle. We are thrilled this happened with our seed and that it brought joy to Elena. ”
Elena and her mother Judith's story truly touched us here at Bentley Seed, and we are honored she has allowed us to share her experience with you.
