Midwest Wildflower Mix - Bulk Seed


Estimated delivery between March 21 and March 23.

A true Midwest country wildflower field in your yard, quick and easy! Easy to establish, great to view or romp through, and perfect for any open area. Our Midwest wildflowers seed mix is a quality blend of wildflowers selected for your area.

Mix Breakdown

Purple Cornflower, Scarlet Flax, Annual Candytuft, Dwarf Blue Cornflower, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Annual Baby's Breath, Indian Blanket, Shasta Alaska Daisy, Purple Prairie Clover, Corn Poppy, Clasping Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Prairie Coneflower, Plains Coreopsis.

Plant in well-drained cultivated soil during early spring or fall (recommended in mild climates). For best results, loosen soil with rake or hoe. Mix seeds with a cup of sand or other inert material and spread over calculated area. Lightly rake seed into soil or cover with peat moss or similar light mulch. Keep soil moist until plants begin to grow.

Lbs. Per Acre (First Seeding): 10 Pounds
Lbs. Per Acre (Reseeding): 5 Pounds
Oz Per 1000 Sq Ft: 4 Ounces
Region: Midwest, Canada

Price is Per Pound

*Online resale prohibited

Materials: NonGMO Seed
