Kale, Lacinato Seed Packets


Estimated delivery between March 17 and March 19.

NOW shipping 2025 packets! 

Some of the best tasting Kale there is! Also known as Dinosaur Kale. Great easy to grow classic Kale. You can expect plenty of production Bentley Seed open-pollinated kale seeds.

Start Bentley Seed Tuscan Lacinato kale seeds inside about 6 weeks before last frost date in your area. Once seedlings have 2 true sets of leaves transplant to garden after danger of frost is past. Space plants about 12 inches apart in rows 3 feet apart. Frost tolerant in late season.

Seed Information:

  • Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
  • Time to Maturity: about 2 months
  • Sun Requirement: sun
  • Spacing: 36" apart
  • Depth: 1/8 inch
  • 225-235 Lacinato Kale Seeds Per Packet 
  • Tuscan Kale Seeds/Oz: 8000
  • Ideal Germination Temperature: 45-75F
  • Sowing Method: Direct
  • Plant Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea var. sabellica

Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"

*Online resale prohibited

