Bentley Seed 500 Seed Packet Display Assembly

Bentley Seed Point of Sale Displays for Seed Packets

Want to become a retailer for your packets? Our Outright Sale Program has some of the highest profit margins in the industry and two great options. Need the display? We've got you covered, our pre-picked assortments come packed in their displays (excludes 2,000 wire rack) all you need to do is set them up. Don't need a display? Still got you covered, we have the same great pre-picked assortments now available without the display. Feel free to put them throughout your store, or in whatever display you might have.

Bentley Seeds Display Instructions - Carefully open display storage carton
Bentley Seeds Display Instructions - Remove and unfold the display
Bentley Seeds Display Instructions - Begin to form the display base

To begin assembly, carefully open the Display Storage carton. 

Remove and unfold the display.

Next, begin to form the display base. Follow the pre-scored fold grooves. Be sure to note the tabs and adjoining slots.

Bentley Seeds Display Instructions - follow the pre-scored fold grooves
Bentley Seeds Display Instructions - fold flaps at the bottom of the base inward for added stability
Bentley Seeds Display Instructions - Insert side and top tabs at the front display piece

To ensure the display base is stable, make sure the joining tabs are inserted into the adjacent slots.

Fold flaps at the bottom of the base inward for added stability. 

Insert side and top tabs of the front display piece

Bentley Seeds Display Instructions - attach supplied clips into slots on the back of trays
Bentley Seeds Display Instructions -place "heavier" packet trays (such as peas, corn, or sunfloers) on the bottom
Bentley Seeds Display Instructions - fold header tabs inward along score grooves

With the base now assembled, carefully place the packet tray onto base. Attach supplied clips into slots on the back of trays. Clips will hold trays tight to base.


Place “heavier” packet trays (such as peas, corn, or sunflowers) on the bottom to create a lower center of gravity. 

Fold header tabs inward along score grooves. 

Bentley Seeds Display Instructions - attach supplied clips into slots on the back of trays

Place the sign on top of the display, ensuring tabs on header fit into slots on the outside edges of the top tray. You are now ready to start selling seed packets in your store!