Tall Utah Celery grows in tall, tight bundles.
This tall and compact celery variety makes every celery lover cheer! A great variety for gardeners. Dark green stalks are flavorful and provide a delicious aroma all growing season! Celery takes a full summer to grow and mature, but Tall Utah is worth the wait!
Start inside about 8-10 weeks before last frost date. Transplant to prepared garden or container when 2 inches tall. Keep well-watered. Ok to harvest after a few light frosts. Days to Maturity: 100200 days.
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 3 1/2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 1/4 inch
Seeds/Oz: 35000
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 55-70F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Heirloom Year: 1953 Heirloom
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Long lasting greens that provide that zippy classic mustard green flavor!
Plant seeds 1/4 inch deep in early spring. Thin seedlings 6 inches apart. Can be harvested throughout the growing season by removing outside leaves to encourage new growth. Great for container gardening!
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 1 1/2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 1/4 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 8400
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 55-70F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Heirloom Year: 1879 Heirloom
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Golden Bantam 8 Row Sweet Corn
Small ears of this sweet corn fit perfectly on your plate! Yellow and juicy. Can be used for early planting and does well in cool soil. Enjoy fresh or freeze for later! Yellow and juicy short ear sweet corn.
After danger of frost is past plant seeds 3 per foot. Thin seedlings 8 inches apart. Roots are shallow so use care when controlling weeds. A 10-6-4 fertilizer is recommending during early growth but not after ears begin to form.
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Sowing Method: direct
- Time to Maturity/Harvest: about 3 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Ideal Germination: 75°F
- Spacing: 8" apart in rows 1.5 feet apart
- Depth: 1 1/2"
- Height: 5-6'
- Seeds/Oz: 200
- Lbs./Acre: 13
- Uses: eat fresh or freeze, an excellent source of protein and is high in vitamin B6, iron, and magnesium
- Heirloom Year: 1902 Heirloom
- Plant Scientific Name: Zea mays
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The benchmark for white & yellow sweet corn - use fresh or frozen.
After danger of frost has passed, plant seeds 3-per-foot, 1.5 inches deep in soil. Thin seedlings 8 inches apart, in rows 1.5 feet apart. Roots are shallow, so use care when controlling weeds. Grows to about 8-10 feet tall. Harvest: 3 months. A 10-6-4 fertilizer is recommended during seedling stage. Non-GMO.
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 3 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 8 "apart
- Depth: 1.5 inch
Seeds/Oz: 200
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 75F
- Sowing Method: Direct
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Crisp, white flesh and a smaller size make these cucumbers ideal for pickling! Sweet, sour, dill or garlicky; the pickling options are endless!
After danger of frost plant seeds 6 inches apart. Can be planted in rows, in hills or in pots. Give the vines a place to spread out or a trellis to grow on. Make sure to pick regularly to get the most production from your plant!
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 3/4 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 950
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 75F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Heirloom Year: 1887 Heirloom
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No salad is complete without the cucumber! These slice like a dream and are heat and disease tolerant.
After danger of frost plant seeds 6 inches apart. Can be planted in rows, in hills or in pots. Give the vines a place to spread out or a trellis to grow on. Make sure to pick regularly to get the most production from your plant!
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 3/4 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 950
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 80F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Plant Scientific Name: Cucumis sativus
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Delightfully crisp and crunchy, the classic slicing Poinsett Cucumber is perfect for salads or condiments like tzatziki! Non-bitter, straight cukes about 7”-8” long. Easy to grow and resistant to most cucumber diseases.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 3/4 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 950
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 75F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Heirloom Year: 1887 Heirloom
- Plant Scientific Name: Cucumis sativus
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An easy and beautiful addition to your garden, the Black Beauty Eggplant has a wonderful flavor and classic oblong shape.
Start seeds inside about 6 weeks before last frost date in area. Transplant to a sunny location after all danger of frost is past in the spring. Plant seedlings 24" apart in garden or pots. Plants will need to be staked early in the season due to their large heavy fruit.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 2 1/2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 24" apart
- Depth: 1/4 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 6500
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 80F
- Sowing Method: Transplant
- Heirloom Year: 1902 Heirloom
- Plant Scientific Name: Solanum melongena
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This broad leaf variety has a less bitter flavor than it's curly leaf cousins. Wonderful in salads, soups and sautés. Also known as escarole. The main ingredient in Utica Greens!
Plant in prepared soil 1/4 inch deep. Thin plants to 12" apart. The young thinnings can be eaten and are considered "baby greens". Plant again in late summer for a second harvest in fall.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 2 1/2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 12" apart
- Depth: 1/8 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 20000
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 75 Days
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Lbs./Acre: 1
- Heirloom Year: 1860's
- Plant Scientific Name: Cichorium endivia
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Enjoy both the leaves and the root of this sweet anise flavored plant. Add a licorice flavor to many dishes or enjoy the flavor raw!
After danger of frost is past plant seeds 1/8 deep in prepared soil. Thin to 10" apart. As plants grow be sure to keep the bulb covered to keep it white. Prefers humus rich soil.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 3 & 1/2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 10" apart
- Depth: 1/8 inch
Seeds/Oz: 7000
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 65F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Plant Scientific Name: Foeniculum vulgare
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Gourds are so fun! What kind of crazy shapes and colors will your plants give you? Kids of all ages love them!
After danger of frost has past plant seeds 1/2 inch deep in prepared garden bed or hills. Thin to 6" apart. Can also be started inside 3-4 weeks before last frost date.
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 3 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 1/2 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 500
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 60-85F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Heirloom Year: Varied Heirlooms
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Honeydew is a delicious, colorful, high yielding melon perfect for any home garden!
Protected by a golden skin, Honeydews electric green fruit is sweet and juicy! Perfect off the vine, or a great addition to a late summer fruit salad!
Sweet and delicious!
Looking for seed packets of Honey Dew Melon? Check these out!
Bentley Seed Honey Dew Melon Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 2 1/2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 24" apart
- Depth: 1/2 inch
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 75-85F
- Sowing Method: Transplant
- Heirloom Year:
- Plant Scientific Name: Cucumis melo var. reticulatus
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Dwarf Siberian Kale is some of the best tasting kale there is! You can expect plenty of production from these gorgeous dark green plants. Kale is also very high in calcium!
Start seeds inside around April for transplant to garden in June. Once seedlings have 2 true sets of leaves transplant to garden. Space about 3 feet apart. Frost tolerant.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: Annual
- Time to Maturity: 2 months
- Sun Requirement: full sun
- Spacing: 3'
- Depth: 1/8 inch
- Uses: Very productive plant — high in calcium
- Plant Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea
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Some of the best tasting Kale there is! Also known as Dinosaur Kale. You can expect plenty of production from these gorgeous dark green plants.
Start seeds inside about 6 weeks before last frost date in your area. Once seedlings have 2 true sets of leaves transplant to garden after danger of frost is past. Space plants about 12 inches apart in rows 3 feet apart. Frost tolerant in late season.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 36" apart
- Depth: 1/8 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 8000
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 45-75F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Plant Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea var. sabellica
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A great source of calcium. Red Russian Kale produces lovely full leaves with a stunning crimson spine. As much fun to look at as it is to eat.
Start seeds inside around April for transplant to garden in June. Once seedlings have 2 true sets of leaves transplant to garden. Space about 3 feet apart. Frost tolerant.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: Annual
- Time to Maturity: 2 months
- Sun Requirement: full sun
- Spacing: 3'
- Depth: 1/8 inch
- Uses: Very productive plant — high in calcium
- Plant Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea
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Harken back to the ancient Egyptians with our heirloom leek seeds for sale! One of the oldest vegetables cultivated by man, they are a delicious addition to soups, stews, and salads. Try it on the grill too!
Start inside about 8-10 weeks before last frost date. Transplant to prepared garden or container when 2 inches tall. Keep stems covered with soil to keep them white. Ok to harvest after a few light frosts.
- Lifecycle: Annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 3 & 1/2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 1/4 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 11000
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 70F
- Sowing Method: Transplant
- Heirloom Year: 1870 Heirloom
- Plant Scientific Name: Abelmoschus esculentus
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A early producing green leaf lettuce. Great on salads and sandwiches! Tender and curled!
Plant in prepared soil 1/4 inch deep. Thin plants to 8" apart. The young thinnings can be eaten and are considered "baby greens". Pull the outside leaves for fresh use encouraging the inside leaves to continue to mature. Plant again in late summer for a second harvest in fall.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 1 month
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 8" apart
- Depth: 1/4 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 25000
- Lbs./Acre: 1
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 55F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Heirloom Year: 1885 Heirloom
- Plant Scientific Name: Lactuca sativa
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A classic Romaine lettuce for your garden! Tasty and heat resistant!
Plant in prepared soil 1/4 inch deep. Thin plants to 8" apart. The young thinnings can be eaten and are considered "baby greens". The "meaty" leaves are a must for Caesar salads. Plant again in late summer for a second harvest in fall.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 8" apart
- Depth: 1/4 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 25000
- Lbs./Acre: 1
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 50F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Heirloom Year: 1952 Heirloom
- Plant Scientific Name: Lactuca sativa
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