Peas, Oregon Sugar Pod - Bulk Seed


Estimated delivery between March 15 and March 17.

This super sweet variety is delicious right off the vine. A favorite for generations. Both pod and peas are edible.

In early Spring, as soon as soil can be prepared, plant seeds 1" deep and 2" apart. Prefers a trellis, fence or stake to grown on. Plant in early spring and again in fall 2 months before frost is due. Great for containers.

Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
Time to Maturity: about 2 months
Sun Requirement: sun
Spacing: 2" apart
Depth: 1" inch
Seeds/Oz: 125
Ideal Germination Temperature: 45-75F
Sowing Method: Direct

Price is Per Pound

*Online resale prohibited

Materials: NonGMO Seed
