NOW shipping 2025 packets!
Black seeded Simpson lettuce is an early producing green leaf lettuce. Tender and curled, it is great on salads and sandwiches!
Plant Bentley Seed black seeded Simpson lettuce seeds in prepared soil 1/4 inch deep. Thin plants to 8" apart. The young thinnings can be eaten and are considered "baby greens". Pull the outside leaves for fresh use encouraging the inside leaves to continue to mature. Plant again in late summer for a second harvest in fall.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 1 month
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 8" apart
- Depth: 1/4 inch
- 635-640 Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce Seeds Per Packet
- Seeds/Oz: 25000
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 55F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Heirloom Year: 1885 Heirloom
- Lactuca sativa
Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"
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