Cut Flower Wildflower Mix - Bulk Seed


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Brighten things up both inside and out with this lovely cut flower mix! Easy to plant, easy to grow and even easier to enjoy!

Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6" tall. It really is that easy!


  • Lifecycle: annual/perennial mix
  • Sun Requirement: sun
  • Bloom Season: summer to fall
  • Height: varies
  • Uses: cut flowers
  • Low Maintenance : yes


Varieties Included:  Tall Mixed Centaurea, Pacific Beauty Calendula, Annual Baby's Breath, Perennial Lupine, Dwarf Sunspot Sunflower, Sensation Mix Cosmos, California Giants Mix Zinnia, Sulphur Bright Lights Mix Cosmos, Blue Flax, Clarkia, Rocket Imperial Mix Larkspur, African Daisy, Mixed Annual Phlox, Tall Spurred Northern Lights Snapdragon, Plains Coreopsis, and Black-Eyed Susan. 

Scientific NamesCentaurea cyanus, Tall Mixed Calendula officinalis 'Pacific Beauty' Gypsophila elegans Lupinus perennis Helianthus annuus 'Sunspot' Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sensation Mix' Zinnia elegans 'California Giants Mix' Cosmos sulphureus 'Bright Lights Mix' Linum perenne Clarkia unguiculata Delphinium consolida, Mixed Dimorphotheca sinuata Phlox drummondii, Mixed Linaria maroccana 'Northern Lights' Coreopsis tinctoria Rudbeckia hirta


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