Love Where You Live - Wildflower Seed Packets


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This grey, pink and blue packet is lovely to hand out for so may occasions including housewarming, welcoming parties, and more! Also great for marketing promotions for those in the Real Estate business. From agents to inspectors this wildflower seed packet will keep you in the top of your clients minds when they're thinking to make a move! No matter how much space your clients have to garden, they will love these seeds.

Use the space provided on the back of the packet to write your own personalized message, or even place a label sticker with your preprinted logo and contact info on it! Love Where You Live - Wildflower Seed Packets

This packet will cover approximately 10 square feet of space.

Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½" 

Pollinator Mix Wildflower Planting Directions:  

Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6” tall. It really is that easy!


  • Lifecycle: annual/perennial mix
  • Sun Requirement: sun
  • Packet Weight: 400 mg
  • Bloom Season: summer to fall
  • Height: varies
  • Uses: cut flowers
  • Low Maintenance : yes
  • Seeds per packet: 210-220 

Varieties Included:  Painted Daisy, Rocket 'Imperial Mix' Larkspur, Single Mix China Aster, Dwarf Mixed Cosmos, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Sulphur 'Bright Lights Mix' Cosmos, Purple Coneflower, Blanketflower, 'Alaska' Shasta Daisy, Sweet William Pinks, Bishop's Flower, Clarkia, Gloriosa Daisy, Mexican Hat, Plains Coreopsis

Scientific NamesChrysanthemum carinatum, Mixed Delphinium consolida, Callistephus chinensis, Dwarf Mixed Cosmos bipinnatus, Coreopsis lanceolata, Cosmos sulphureus 'Bright Lights Mix', Echinacea purpurea, Gaillardia aristata, Chrysanthemum maximum 'Alaska', Dianthus barbatus, Ammi majus, Clarkia unguiculata, Rudbeckia hirta gloriosa Ratibida columnifera (Mexican Hat), Coreopsis tinctoria

*Online resale prohibited
