Dill, Long Island Mammoth Seed Packets


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Enjoy the wonderful flavor of fresh dill! It's a great addition to pickles and sauces.

Growing Instructions:
Plant seeds 1/4 inch deep in a prepared garden bed or container. Dill grows best with adequate space between plants to promote healthy, full growth. If allowed to flower, it produces pretty yellow flowers.

Seed Information:

  • Lifecycle: Annual
  • Time to Maturity: About 2 months
  • Sun Requirement: Sun
  • Spacing: 36" apart
  • Depth: 1/4 inch
  • 510-515 seeds per packet
  • Height: Up to 6 feet
  • Seeds/Oz: 13,000
  • Ideal Germination Temperature: 60°F
  • Sowing Method: Direct

Dill is perfect for flavoring pickles, sauces, and various dishes.

Additional Information:

  • Plant Scientific Name: Anethum graveolens
  • Seed Count: Approx. 850 seeds per 1.2g
  • Packet Size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"

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Dill, Long Island Mammoth Seed Packets flower seeds

