These heirloom beet seeds yield sweet and beautiful produce! Pink and white stripes compliment any dish!
The striking pink and white stripes complement any dish. The colors on this beet don't bleed as much, so less worry about pink cutting boards or aprons.
Plant Chioggia Beet seeds in deep, moist rich soil. Cover lightly with soil and water evenly. Thin when seedlings are 3-4 inches tall. Plant your Chioggia Beet seeds from spring to fall for a continuous harvest. The thinned greens can be eaten! Prepare the greens as you would spinach. Plant from spring to fall for a continuous harvest.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Sowing Method: direct sow
- Time to Maturity/Harvest: about 2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Ideal Germination: 70°F
- Spacing: 1"
- Depth: 1/2"
- Height: 2-4"
- Seeds/Oz: 1,150
Lbs./Acre: 9
- Uses: eating raw and cooking with, excellent source of manganese, folate, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and fiber
- Heirloom Year: 1840 Heirloom
- Plant Scientific Name: Beta vulgaris
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