Cilantro, Coriander - Bulk Seed


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Enjoy the distinct Cilantro flavor in all of your cooking! This one is slow to flower so you can harvest it for much longer! Fun fact: Cilantro's seeds are known as Coriander.

After danger of frost has passed plant seeds 1/4 inch deep. Thin seedlings 6" apart. For a constant supply of leaves plant seeds every 2-3 weeks throughout spring and early summer. Best grown directly outside as it grows quickly and does not like being transplanted.

Seed Information:

  • Lifecycle: annual
  • Time to Maturity: about 1 month
  • Sun Requirement: sun
  • Spacing: 6" apart
  • Depth: 1/4 inch
  • Bloom Season: summer
  • Height: 12-18 inches
  • Uses: edible, medicinal
  • Low Maintenance : yes
  • Ideal Germination Temperature: 60F
  • Sowing Method: Direct
  • Bulk Cilantro Seed Count:  Approx. 118 seeds per 1G
  • Plant Scientific Name: Coriandrum sativum

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