Grows well in containers, can be harvested as baby greens.
Pak Choi translates to “Soup Spoon”, and was chosen for this delicious plants leaf shape! This versatile plant brings not only a mild flavored crispy leaf to your salads, soups, and stir fries, you can also enjoy the stalks much like celery! Pak Choi cabbage is quickly becoming a favorite amongst gardeners for its versatility and ease to grow! Young thinnings cam be eaten and are considered baby greens.
Plant seeds in prepared soil. 1/4 inch deep. Thin to 8"-10". The young thinnings can be eaten and are considered baby greens. Plant again in late summer for a second harvest in fall. Harvest: 2 months
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 2 months
- Sun Requirement: Full Sun, Partial Sun
- Spacing: 12" apart
- Depth: 1/4 inch
- Packet Weight: 900mg
- Pak Choi Seeds/Oz: 6500
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 45-75F
- Sowing Method: Start Indoors
- Heirloom Year: 1860 Heirloom
- Plant Scientific Name: Brassica rapa
*Online resale prohibited. You can also buy pak choi seeds in smaller amounts from us.
Tall, dense vines are covered with beautiful trumpet flowers! Provides a beautiful addition to arbors, decks posts and trellises.
A tender perennial with large, funnel shaped flowers and heart-shaped leaves. Flowers open in the morning and last only one day. Plants bloom mid-summer to early fall.
Soak seeds overnight to aid in germination. Plant seeds in prepared bed 1/2" deep and 6" apart. Keep evenly moist.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 1/2"
- Bloom Season: summer to fall
- Uses: vine, trellis
- Low Maintenance : yes
- LBS./Acre: 64
- Plant Scientific Name: Ipomoea purpurea
*Online resale prohibited
This herb gives you a double dose of both fragrance and flavor. A wonderful choice for growing both inside and outside.
Great for both containers and gardens. Very frost sensitive.
Plant in late spring when danger of frost has passed 10 inches apart. Harvest: 2.5 months. Container approved.
- Lifecycle: annual
Sowing Method: start inside or direct sow
Time to Maturity/Harvest: about 2 1/2 months
Sun Requirement: full sun
Ideal Germination: 75-85°F
- Spacing: 10”
Depth: 1/4”
- Height: 3’
- Seeds/Oz: 160
- Lbs./Acre: 8
Uses: use fresh or dried in cooking or as a mosquito repellent
Plant Scientific Name: Ocimum basilicum citriodorumm
*Online resale prohibited
Add a light refreshing spice to any dish! Traditionally used in beans, vegetables and poultry.
Start inside about 4 weeks before last frost date. Transfer to containers or garden 8" apart. Keep seedlings moist.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual
- Time to Maturity: about 2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 8" apart
- Depth: 1/8 inch
- Bloom Season: Summer
- Height: 12-18"
- Uses: edible, dried, container, indoor/outdoor
- Seeds/Oz: 47000
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 65F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Plant Scientific Name: Satureja hortensis
*Online resale prohibited
Spaghetti Squash
Bake or boil, fork out the flesh, and top the "spaghetti" with your sauce of choice, or eat it roasted with olive oil. A delightful pasta alternative.
After danger of frost has past plant seeds 1/2 inch deep in prepared garden bed or hills. Thin to 18" apart. Can also be started inside 3-4 weeks before last frost date. Produces on a vine so give it plenty of room to grow. Keep well-watered during the growing season.
- Lifecycle: annual (vining vegetable)
- Sowing Method: direct
- Time to Maturity/Harvest: about 3 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Ideal Germination: 80°F
- Spacing: 18"
- Depth: 1"
- Height: 3-5'
- Seeds/Oz: 350
- Lbs./Acre: 4
- Uses: pasta alternative, roasting, rich with vitamin C, vitamin B6, betacarotene and fiber
- Heirloom Year: 1850 Heirloom
- Plant Scientific Name: Cucurbita pepo
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The perfect carrot for growing, storing and eating!
An ideal carrot for container gardens.
Seeds can be planted 1/2 inch deep in spring and again in midsummer for a second fall harvest. Thin seedlings to 2" apart. Planting in raised beds is ideal to increase your yield and have a more uniform carrot.
Nantes carrot seeds can be planted 1/2 inch deep in spring and again in midsummer for a second fall harvest. Thin seedlings to 2" apart. Planting in raised beds or containers is ideal to increase your yield and have a more uniform carrot.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 2 1/2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 2" apart
- Depth: 1/2 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 20000
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 55-70F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Heirloom Year: 1870 Heirloom
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This variety of parsley features lovely curled leaves that are ideal for garnish. It has a mild flavor and grows well in containers both inside and outside!
Start inside about 4 weeks before last frost date. Transfer to containers or garden 6" apart.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: biennial
- Time to Maturity: about 1 month
- Sun Requirement: sun/part shade
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 1/4 inch
Bloom Season: summer
- Height: 15-18"
- Uses: edible, container, freezing
- Low Maintenance : yes
- Seeds/Oz: 10000
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 75F
- Sowing Method: Transplant
- Plant Scientific Name: Petroselinum crispum
- Seed Count: Approx: 335 seeds per 500mg
*Online resale prohibited
NOW shipping 2025 packets! NEW for 2025 - MSRP now removed.
Celebrate love! The Bentley Seeds "You Make My Heart Flutter" Bird and Butterfly Mix Packets are a lovely way to spread love!
These unique flower seed packets feature a yellow background with a spray of flowers in the shape of a butterfly. Great for wedding showers, bridal showers, weddings, baby showers, friends, and parties. Help the pollinators including birds, bees, and butterflies by sharing these adorable packets!
Use the space provided on the back of the packet to write your own personalized message, or even place a label sticker with your preprinted logo and contact info on it!
This packet will cover approximately 10 square feet of space.
Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"
Planting Directions - Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6" tall. It really is that easy!
- Lifecycle: annual/perennial mix
- Time to Maturity: 3 Months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Bloom Season: summer to fall
- Height: varies
- Uses: Bird attractant, Bee attractant, Butterfly attractant, Pollinator
- Low Maintenance: yes
- Seeds Per Packet: 210-220
- Region: Midwest, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, Texas/Oklahoma, Canada, Western
Bird and Butterfly Flower Seed Packet Mix Breakdown:
Annual Candytuft, Siberian Wallflower, Rocket Larkspur, Perennial Lupine, Gayfeather, Purple Coneflower, Blanket flower, Orange California Poppy, Single Mix China Aster, Cornflower, Indian Blanket, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Dwarf Godetia, Prairie Coneflower, Dwarf Plains Coreopsis, Lemon Mint, Butterfly Milkweed, Tall White Sweet Alyssum, and Black-Eyed Susan.
Bird and Butterfly Flower Seed Packet Mix Scientific Names:
Iberis amara, Erysimum, Consolida ajacis, Lupinus perennis, Liatris, Echinacea, Gaillardia, Eschscholzia californica, Callistephus chinensis, Centaurea cyanus, Gaillardia pulchella, Coreopsis lanceolata, Clarkia amoena, Ratibida, Coreopsis tinctoria, Monarda citriodora, Asclepias tuberosa, Lobularia maritima, Rudbeckia hirta
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The Eastern Pollinator Mixture is for pollinator conservation in the eastern United States and southeast Canada.
The western planting boundary would be a line straight south from the eastern borders of North and South Dakota. It contains a balanced blend of native annuals and perennials that provide nectar and pollen throughout the growing season. If you have specific mix requirements for pollinator conservation projects, please contact us regarding a custom mix for your area.
Planting Information:
Plant in well-drained cultivated soil during early spring or fall (recommended in mild climates). For best results, loosen soil with rake or hoe. Mix seeds with a cup of sand or other inert material and spread over calculated area. Lightly rake seed into soil or cover with peat moss or similar light mulch. Keep soil moist until plants begin to grow.
- Region: North America
- Use: Single Season
- Height: Varies
- Seeds Per Packet: 172
- Low Maintenance: Yes
- Bloom Season: Summer to Fall
- Lifecycle: Annual & Perennials
Mix Breakdown
Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia hart, Blue Wild Indigo, Brown Eyed Susan, Butterfly Milkweed, Evening Primrose, Golden Alexander, Gray Goldenrod, Hairy Beardtongue, Indian Blanket, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, lavender Hyssop, Lemon Mint, New England Aster, Ohio Spiderwort, Partridge Pea, Plains Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Showy Tick Trefoil, Slender Mountain Mint, Spotted Beebalm.
*Online Resale Prohibited
Plant seeds inside about 8 weeks before last frost date. Cover lightly, keep moist and keep in the dark for germination. Transplant seedlings into cell packs or containers and move to the light. Can also be planted outside after frost in prepared bed. Starting inside is recommended.
- Lifecycle: biennial
- Time to Maturity: 10-12 Weeks
- Sun Requirement: sun/part shade
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 1/4"
- Seeds Per Packet: 70-80
- Bloom Season: summer
- Height: 20" - 24"
- Uses: cut flowers, containers, garden bed, memorial garden, attracts bees
- Low Maintenance: yes
- Sowing Method: Direct Sow
- Seeds/Oz: 6600
- Plant Scientific Name: Cynoglossum amabile
Price is Per Pound
*Online resale prohibited
Materials: NonGMO Seed
NOW shipping 2025 packets!
Give back to nature with this gorgeous bee feed flower mix! It provides nectar and pollen to honey bees, wild bees and other pollinators. It’s also ideal for borders and garden beds. Enjoy!
This mix is a blend of annual and perennial flowers that provide nectar and pollen to wild bees, honey bees and other pollinators. It is well suited for maintained landscapes such as garden beds, borders and managed meadows. It contains early, mid, and late blooming flowers in order to provide bee forage all season long. Flowers are suitable for short-tongued and long-tongued bees and come in a wide range of colors for an attractive display.
Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6" tall. It really is that easy!
Lifecycle: annual/perennial mix
Time to Maturity:
Sun Requirement: sun
Spacing: 3
Packet Weight: 500mg
Bloom Season: early summer to fall
Height: varies
Uses: Bee attractant
Low Maintenance : yes
Lbs. Per Acre (First Seeding): 12 Pounds
Lbs. Per Acre (Reseeding): 6 Pounds
Oz Per 1000 Sq Ft: 5 Ounces
Region: North America
Mix Breakdown
Chinese Forget-Me-Not, Purple Coneflower, California Poppy, Blue Flax, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Annual Baby’s Breath, Corn Poppy, Crimson Clover, Siberian Wallflower, Clasping Coneflower, Indian Blanket, Baby Blue-Eyes, China Aster, Plains Coreopsis, Sweet Alyssum, Lavender Hyssop, Bergamot, Globe Gilia, New England Aster.
Price is Per Pound
*Online resale prohibited
Materials: NonGMO Seed
Plants produce fresh greens all season! Great when steamed or boiled.
Scatter seeds in prepared garden or container after danger of frost. Thin seedlings 6" apart. When 10" tall pick leaves as needed from outside of plant. Or cut whole plant 2" from ground. It will regrow! A prolific producer.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual (vegetable)
- Time to Maturity: about 1 1/2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 1/2 inch
- Seeds/Oz: 1500
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 55-65F
- Sowing Method: Direct
- Heirloom Year: 1924 Heirloom
- Plant Scientific Name: Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris
*Online resale prohibited
NEW MSRP removed
NOW shipping 2025 packets!
A beautiful way to say “Congratulations!” for any occasion! A hand-illustrated watercolor flower garden highlights our exclusive special occasion packet.
Filled with a Bentley favorite wildflower seed mix for a garden that celebrates the occasion in the most lovely way. Congratulations Celebration - Wildflower Mix Seed Packets.
This wildflower mix provides nectar and pollen to honey bees, wild bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators.
This packet will cover approximately 10 square feet of space.
Pollinator Mix Wildflower Planting Directions -
Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6" tall. It really is that easy!
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual/perennial mix
Sun Requirement: Full Sun
- Depth: 0.25"
- Bloom Season: early summer to fall
- Height: varies
- Uses: Bee Feed, Butterfly Feed, Pollinator Garden
- Low Maintenance: yes
- Packet Weight: 400 mg
- Seeds Per Packet: 210-220
Varieties Included: Painted Daisy, Rocket 'Imperial Mix' Larkspur, Single Mix China Aster, Dwarf Mixed Cosmos, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Sulphur 'Bright Lights Mix' Cosmos, Purple Coneflower, Blanketflower, 'Alaska' Shasta Daisy, Sweet William Pinks, Bishop's Flower, Clarkia, Gloriosa Daisy, Mexican Hat, Plains Coreopsis.
Scientific Names: Chrysanthemum carinatum, Mixed Delphinium consolida, Callistephus chinensis, Dwarf Mixed Cosmos bipinnatus, Coreopsis lanceolata, Cosmos sulphureus 'Bright Lights Mix', Echinacea purpurea, Gaillardia aristata, Chrysanthemum maximum 'Alaska', Dianthus barbatus, Ammi majus, Clarkia unguiculata, Rudbeckia hirta gloriosa Ratibida columnifera (Mexican Hat), Coreopsis tinctoria
*Online resale prohibited
The mild, sweet onion flavor of chives is a great addition to salads, soups and sauces.
Start seeds inside about 6-8 weeks before last frost date. Transplant 6" apart in prepared garden bed after danger of frost has passed.
- Lifecycle: perennial
- Time to Maturity: about 2 months
- Sun Requirement: sun/part shade
- Spacing: 6" apart
- Depth: 1/8 inch
- Bloom Season: summer
- Height: 12"
- Uses: edible, flower, garden bed, flowers
- Low Maintenance : yes
- Seeds/Oz: 25000
- Ideal Germination Temperature: 70F
- Sowing Method: Transplant
*Online resale prohibited
Dwarf Siberian Kale is some of the best tasting kale there is! You can expect plenty of production from these gorgeous dark green plants. Kale is also very high in calcium!
Start seeds inside around April for transplant to garden in June. Once seedlings have 2 true sets of leaves transplant to garden. Space about 3 feet apart. Frost tolerant.
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: Annual
- Time to Maturity: 2 months
- Sun Requirement: full sun
- Spacing: 3'
- Depth: 1/8 inch
- Uses: Very productive plant — high in calcium
- Plant Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea
*Online resale prohibited
NOW shipping 2025 packets! NEW for 2025 - MSRP now removed.
This pretty seed packet with mason jar art will bloom into a jubilee of beautiful blossoms.
While adding a lovely vista to your landscape, your garden will nurture native pollinators providing them with nutritious nectar and pollen, plus crucial shade, shelter, and habitat. Use these illustrated flower and mason jar favors for all your special events and share the love!
Use the space provided on the back of the packet to write your own personalized message, or even place a label sticker with your preprinted logo and contact info on it!
This wildflower mix provides nectar and pollen to honey bees, wild bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators.
This packet will cover approximately 10 square feet of space.
Pollinator Mix Wildflower Planting Directions -
Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6" tall. It really is that easy!
- Lifecycle: annual/perennial mix
Sun Requirement: Full Sun
- Depth: 0.25"
- Bloom Season: early summer to fall
- Height: varies
- Uses: Bee Feed, Butterfly Feed, Pollinator Garden, Wildflower garden, border garden
- Low Maintenance: yes
- Packet Weight: 400 mg
- Seeds Per Packet: 210-220
Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"
Varieties Included: Painted Daisy, Rocket 'Imperial Mix' Larkspur, Single Mix China Aster, Dwarf Mixed Cosmos, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Sulphur 'Bright Lights Mix' Cosmos, Purple Coneflower, Blanketflower, 'Alaska' Shasta Daisy, Sweet William Pinks, Bishop's Flower, Clarkia, Gloriosa Daisy, Mexican Hat, Plains Coreopsis.
Scientific Names: Chrysanthemum carinatum, Mixed Delphinium consolida, Callistephus chinensis, Dwarf Mixed Cosmos bipinnatus, Coreopsis lanceolata, Cosmos sulphureus 'Bright Lights Mix', Echinacea purpurea, Gaillardia aristata, Chrysanthemum maximum 'Alaska', Dianthus barbatus, Ammi majus, Clarkia unguiculata, Rudbeckia hirta gloriosa Ratibida columnifera (Mexican Hat), Coreopsis tinctoria
Here at Bentley Seed, we only fill our seed packets with the freshest crop NON-GMO seed in our 3rd generation family-owned small business in upstate NY! Our packets are hand-picked for you!
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Mix Breakdown
Purple Cornflower, Scarlet Flax, Annual Candytuft, Dwarf Blue Cornflower, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Annual Baby's Breath, Indian Blanket, Shasta Alaska Daisy, Purple Prairie Clover, Corn Poppy, Clasping Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Prairie Coneflower, Plains Coreopsis.
Plant in well-drained cultivated soil during early spring or fall (recommended in mild climates). For best results, loosen soil with rake or hoe. Mix seeds with a cup of sand or other inert material and spread over calculated area. Lightly rake seed into soil or cover with peat moss or similar light mulch. Keep soil moist until plants begin to grow.
Lbs. Per Acre (First Seeding): 10 Pounds
Lbs. Per Acre (Reseeding): 5 Pounds
Oz Per 1000 Sq Ft: 4 Ounces
Region: Midwest, Canada
Price is Per Pound
*Online resale prohibited
Materials: NonGMO Seed
All Sorts Mix Sunflower Bulk Seed
Fill your garden with gorgeous mixed color sunflowers of all different sizes.
Our mixed sunflower seeds will make your sunflower garden a beautiful scene of color! This mix can include Sungold Tall, Autumn Beauty, Lemon Queen, Sungold Dwarf, Dwarf Sunspot, Velvet Queen, Large Grey Stripe, Chocolate Cherry, Black Oil Sunflower, and Maximilian Sunflowers.
Press seeds 1/2 inch deep into loose soil Plant seeds about 12 inches apart from one another. Water. Sit back and enjoy!
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: Annual
- Bloom Season: MidSummer
- Sun Requirement: full sun
- Spacing: 12"
- Depth: 1/2"
- Uses: Use as a cut flower — grows well in containers
- Bloom Season: Mid-Summer
- Plant Scientific Name: Helianthus annuus
*Online Resale Prohibited.