Prepare Your Garden For Inclement Weather
Here at Bentley Seed Co., we love the warmer weather that comes this time of year. What we don’t love, is how unpredictable the weather can still be. If you are curious about how to protect your garden from hail, extreme heat, and drought this summer, continue reading for some helpful tips from our gardening experts.
How To Protect Your Garden From Hail
Hail can be extremely destructive at any stage of the growing season. Preparing for it ahead of time is the best way to preserve all your hard work. We recommend gathering a few items that can be placed over your plants. This can include tarps, baskets, cages, and blankets. It may not sound like much, but even the smallest amount of protection can make a big difference. Although preparation is ideal, it’s not always realistic. If you are away from home and are unable to cover when hail comes, here are a few tips to follow preceding the storm. Prune your plants to remove any broken or unsalvageable leaves. Add fertilizer for an extra boost to the soil. Check the moisture level of the ground. If wet to the touch, it’s good for the time being. Being sure your plants are not over or under watered in the days following a hailstorm is crucial. Keep in mind that it can take several days to recover from destructive weather. Keep following these steps before giving up. Chances are it will bounce back.
How To Protect Your Garden From Heat
As many know, a garden needs plenty of sunshine to grow and thrive, but during a severe heat wave, your garden can suffer. When the summer sun is overheating your garden, there are a few things you can incorporate to cool it down. While you might think extra water could cool your plants down, overwatering can be worse for your plants on those sunny days. Make sure to feel the soil first. If it feels wet, your plants don’t need any more water. Another way to prevent your garden from overheating is by adding shade. You can do this with the help of an umbrella, garden shade cloth, or hanging a tarp. Prioritize covering delicate plants first like tomatoes and herbs.
How To Protect Your Garden From a Drought
If you are in an area prone to drought, having a garden can be tough. That doesn’t mean you have to give up your dreams of growing good things. A few modifications can ensure your plants survive during low to no rain periods. To combat dry conditions, water in the mornings. This will allow the plants to absorb all they need before the sun begins to evaporate the water. Also avoid watering every day. It is recommended to water only 3 days a week. This will help your plants adapt to the dry environment. Lastly, don’t forget about your soil. Plants need to dig their roots into loose, nutrient-rich soil. In a drought, good soil can be the determining factor in the success of your garden.
Visit Bentley Seed Co. today to gather all the essential seeds and gardening information for a thriving garden in all climates!