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This colorful, vibrant mix will attract all of your favorite winged friends! Blooms, nectar and seeds - something for everyone!
This annual and perennial mixture is great for creating a backyard habitat to attract your favorite winged wildlife. Flowers in this mix will provide colorful blooms all season long as well as nectar and seed for songbirds, hummingbirds and butterflies.
Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6" tall. It really is that easy!
Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual/perennial mix
- Time to Maturity:
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Packet Weight: 600 mg
- Bloom Season: summer to fall
- 595-600 Seeds Per Packet
- Height: varies
- Uses: Bird attractant, Bee attractant, Butterfly attractant, Pollinator
- Low Maintenance : yes
- Oz Per 1000 Sq Ft: 8 Ounces
- Region: Midwest, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, Texas/Oklahoma, Canada, Western
Mix Breakdown
Annual Candytuft, Siberian Wallflower, Rocket Larkspur, Perennial Lupine, Gayfeather, Purple Coneflower, Blanketflower, Orange California Poppy, Single Mix China Aster, Cornflower, Indian Blanket, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Dwarf Godetia, Prairie Coneflower, Dwarf Plains Coreopsis, Lemon Mint, Butterfly Milkweed, Tall White Sweet Alyssum, Black-Eyed Susan
Scientific Names: Iberis amara, Erysimum, Consolida ajacis, Lupinus perennis, Liatris, Echinacea, Gaillardia, Eschscholzia californica, Callistephus chinensis, Centaurea cyanus, Gaillardia pulchella, Coreopsis lanceolata, Clarkia amoena, Ratibida, Coreopsis tinctoria, Monarda citriodora, Asclepias tuberosa, Lobularia maritima, Rudbeckia hirta
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Brighten things up both inside and out with this lovely cut flower mix! Easy to plant, easy to grow and even easier to enjoy!
Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6" tall. It really is that easy!
Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual/perennial mix
- Sun Requirement: sun
- 240-245 Seeds Per Packet
- Bloom Season: summer to fall
- Height: varies
- Uses: cut flowers
- Low Maintenance : yes
Mix Breakdown
Varieties Included: Tall Mixed Centaurea, Pacific Beauty Calendula, Annual Baby's Breath, Perennial Lupine, Dwarf Sunspot Sunflower, Sensation Mix Cosmos, California Giants Mix Zinnia, Sulphur Bright Lights Mix Cosmos, Blue Flax, Clarkia, Rocket Imperial Mix Larkspur, African Daisy, Mixed Annual Phlox, Tall Spurred Northern Lights Snapdragon, Plains Coreopsis, and Black-Eyed Susan.
Scientific Names: Centaurea cyanus, Tall Mixed Calendula officinalis 'Pacific Beauty' Gypsophila elegans Lupinus perennis Helianthus annuus 'Sunspot' Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sensation Mix' Zinnia elegans 'California Giants Mix' Cosmos sulphureus 'Bright Lights Mix' Linum perenne Clarkia unguiculata Delphinium consolida, Mixed Dimorphotheca sinuata Phlox drummondii, Mixed Linaria maroccana 'Northern Lights' Coreopsis tinctoria Rudbeckia hirta
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The Eastern Pollinator Mixture is for pollinator conservation in the eastern United States and southeast Canada.
The western planting boundary would be a line straight south from the eastern borders of North and South Dakota. It contains a balanced blend of native annuals and perennials that provide nectar and pollen throughout the growing season. If you have specific mix requirements for pollinator conservation projects, please contact us regarding a custom mix for your area.
Planting Information:
Plant in well-drained cultivated soil during early spring or fall (recommended in mild climates). For best results, loosen soil with rake or hoe. Mix seeds with a cup of sand or other inert material and spread over calculated area. Lightly rake seed into soil or cover with peat moss or similar light mulch. Keep soil moist until plants begin to grow.
- Region: North America
- Use: Single Season
- Height: Varies
- Seeds Per Packet: 172
- Low Maintenance: Yes
- Bloom Season: Summer to Fall
- Lifecycle: Annual & Perennials
Mix Breakdown
Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia hart, Blue Wild Indigo, Brown Eyed Susan, Butterfly Milkweed, Evening Primrose, Golden Alexander, Gray Goldenrod, Hairy Beardtongue, Indian Blanket, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, lavender Hyssop, Lemon Mint, New England Aster, Ohio Spiderwort, Partridge Pea, Plains Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Showy Tick Trefoil, Slender Mountain Mint, Spotted Beebalm.
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Plant, water and enjoy this native mix of perennials for years to come!
Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6" tall. It really is that easy!
Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: perennial
- Time to Maturity:
- Sun Requirement: sun
- 305-310 Seeds Per Packet
- Bloom Season: summer - fall
- Height: varies
- Uses: cut flowers, beds, wildflower gardens
- Low Maintenance : yes
Mix Breakdown
Siberian Wallflower, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Blanketflower, Blue Flax, Perennial Lupine, Russel Lupine, Shasta Daisy, Sweet William, Gayfeather, Dwarf Columbine, Maltese Cross, Evening Primrose, Purple Moss Verbena, Black-Eyed Susan, Prairie Coneflower, Dwarf Red Coneflower, Greyheaded Coneflower.
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A delightfully easy sun-loving annual wildflower seed mix! Plant it and forget it - until it blooms!
Have a sunny open area ready to become a country wildflower field? We have you covered, quick and simple! Easy to establish, great to view or romp through, and perfect for any open area. Our sunny wildflower mix is a quality blend of bulk wildflower seeds including black eyed Susan and corn poppy selected for open areas.
Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6" tall. It really is that easy!
Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"
Seed Information:
- Lifecycle: annual
- Sun Requirement: sun
- 230-235 Seeds Per Packet
- Bloom Season: summer to fall
- Height: varies
- Uses: cut flowers, great for children
- Low Maintenance : yes
- Lbs. Per Acre (First Seeding): 10 Pounds
- Lbs. Per Acre (Reseeding): 5 Pounds
- Oz Per 1000 Sq Ft: 4 Ounces
- Region: Midwest, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, Texas/Oklahoma, Canada, Western
Mix Breakdown
Annual Baby's Breath, Crimson Clover, Cornflower, Arroyo Lupine, Calendula, Chinese Forget-Me-Not, Blue Flax, Garland Daisy, Siberian Wallflower, Tree Mallow, California Poppy, Scarlet Flax, Purple Coneflower, Plains Coreopsis.
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Texas Oklahoma Wildflower Mix is Curated regional mix for color throughout the season.
Ideal for gardens in Oklahoma and most of Texas. Enjoy continuous color from these flowers throughout the growing season. This curated mix contains native species as well as species that have adapted to the region. This annual and perennial wildflower seeds bulk mixture is for ornamental landscaping in OK and most of Texas. For the extreme southern tip of Texas, use the Gulf Coast/Caribbean Mix. For the far eastern edge of TX, use the Southeast Mix. Our bulk Texas/Oklahoma Wildflower Seed Mix will provide color throughout the growing season. This mixture contains native species as well as non-native species that are adapted to the region.
Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"
Mix Breakdown
Annual Baby's Breath, Annual Candytuft, Black-Eyed Susan, Clasping Coneflower, Corn Poppy, Cornflower, Crown Tickseed, Dwarf Evening Primrose, Dwarf Helenium, Golden Wave Tickseed, Greenthread, Indian Blanket, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Lemon Mint, Prairie Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie Clover, Red Phlox, Scarlet Sage, Showy Evening Primrose, Sulphur Cosmos, Texas Bluebonnet
Scientific names: Gypsophila elegans, Iberis umbellata, Rudbeckia hirta, Rudbeckia amplexicaulis, Papaver rhoeas, Centaurea cyanus, Coreopsis nuecensis, Oenothera macrocarpa, Helenium amarum, Coreopsis basalis, Thelesperma filifolium, Gaillardia pulchella, Coreopsis lanceolata, Monarda citriodora, Ratibida columnifera, Echinacea purpurea, Dalea purpurea, Phlox drummondii, Salvia coccinea, Cosmos sulphureus, Lupinus texensis
Plant your Texas/Oklahoma wildflower seed mix in well-drained cultivated soil during early spring or fall (recommended in mild climates). For best results, loosen soil with rake or hoe. Mix seeds with a cup of sand or other inert material and spread over calculated area. Lightly rake seed into soil or cover with peat moss or similar light mulch. Keep soil moist until plants begin to grow.
- Region: Texas/Oklahoma
- Lifecycle: Annual/Perennial Mix
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Seeds Per Packet: 236
- Bloom Season: Early Summer into Fall
- Height: Varies
- Uses: cut flowers, supports regional pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds
- Low Maintenance: yes
- Sowing Method: Direct Sow
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This Western Pollinator Seed annual and perennial mixture is for ornamental landscaping in the western U.S. and Canada.
Use it for elevations below 7,000 feet in CO, ID, western KS, MT, western NE, northern NV, ND, eastern OR, SD, UT, eastern WA, WY, southern Alberta, southeast British Columbia and southern Saskatchewan. For elevations above 7,000 feet, use the Mountain Mix. Flowers will provide color throughout the growing season. This mixture contains native species as well as non-native species that are adapted to the region.
Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"
Mix Breakdown
Annual Candytuft, Perennial Lupine, Siberian Wallflower, California Poppy, Blue Flax, Dwarf Blue Cornflower, Blanketflower, Indian Blanket, Corn Poppy, Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Prairie Coneflower, Clarkia, Globe Gilia, Plains Coreopsis, Showy Goldeneye
Planting Information
Plant in well-drained cultivated soil during early spring or fall (recommended in mild climates). For best results, loosen soil with rake or hoe. Mix seeds with a cup of sand or other inert material and spread over calculated area. Lightly rake seed into soil or cover with peat moss or similar light mulch. Keep soil moist until plants begin to grow.
Region: Western
- Lifecycle: Annual/Perennial Mix
- Sun Requirement: sun
- Seeds Per Packet: 440
- Bloom Season: Late Spring into Fall
- Height: Varies
- Uses: cut flowers, supports regional pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds
- Low Maintenance : yes
- Sowing Method: Direct Sow
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This wildflower mix provides nectar and pollen to honey bees, wild bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators.
This packet will cover approximately 10 square feet of space.
Pollinator Mix Wildflower Planting Directions -
Prepare a bed of loose soil. Sprinkle seeds in prepared area and cover loosely with soil. Keep the area moist until the plants are about 6" tall. It really is that easy.
Lifecycle: annual/perennial mix
Sun Requirement: Full Sun
Depth: 0.25"
Bloom Season: early summer to fall
Height: varies
Uses: Bee Feed, Butterfly Feed, Pollinator Garden
Low Maintenance : yes
Packet Weight: 400 mg
Seeds Per Packet: 210-220
Packet size: 3 ¼" x 4 ½"